43 research outputs found

    Systemic Strategies to Improve the Readability of the English Version of Indonesian Children Stories

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    The paper discusses languge exploitation for the children story books and offers several systemic strategies to improve the quality of language exploitation so that the books have a better quality for their readabality. Thirty children story books which are classified as narratives according to the publishers were randomly selected for the analysis. The books are targeted for children from five to twelve years old. The analysis on the text structure shows that all the stories have the three obligatory discourse units, namely orientation, complication, and resolution. Meanwhile, seen from the lexicogrammatical exploitation, most of the books have various grammatical mistakes and difficult words

    The Imbalance Attitude of the Journalists in Six Chemical Castration Texts: an SFLCritical Discourse Analysis

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    This research investigates how journalists behave in texts. The analysis focuses on the exploitation of attitudinal lexis. This is qualitatively explored through attitude and graduation. The data sources were columns of news, taken from an online version of The Jakarta Post on June sixth 2016. Having been selected using criterion-based sampling technique, the sources of data resulted in six chemical castration texts. The procedure of investigation consists of domain, taxonomic, componential, and cultural value analysis. The result shows that journalists are relatively subjective in reporting news by unbalancing the pros and cons, relatively inconsistent in work from delivering news to criticizing government officials, and relatively provocative by up-scaling critical evaluations against the government policy on sex offenders

    The Acceptability of Rhetorical Question Translation in Five on a Treasure Island by Enid Blyton

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    This study aims to identify the function of rhetorical questions and to describe the quality of the translation in terms of acceptability on the novel of Five On A Treasure Island by Enid Blyton and its Indonesian translation Lima Sekawan Di Pulau Harta translated by Agus Setiadi. The research method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative with content analysis and focus group discussion (FGD). The findings are: there are 14 functions of rhetorical questions from 177 data identified, namely: to confirm (71 data), to show surprise (36 data), emphasize a known fact (12 data), to suggest (11 data), to persuade (10 data), to show uncertainty (8 data), to show amazement (8 data), to command (6 data), to request (4 data), to show angry (3 data), to show confusion (3 data), to complain (2 data), to introduce a new topic (2 data), and to admonish (1 data). There are 9 new functions of rhetorical questions that have not been identified from Larson's concept (1998) and from FGD shows the quality of rhetorical questions translation in terms of acceptability of the novel is high quality translation. The results of this study is rhetorical question represents many functions in conversation and the translator should be wisely in understanding the intention of rhetorical questions in the source text

    The Acceptability of Religious Terms Translation in the Complete Idiot's Guide to Understanding Islam

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    This research aimed to find out the used translation's techniques and the acceptability of the translation. This was a descriptive qualitative research and an embedded-case study. Based on semantic and relevance theory, the researcher determined good translation. This research was conducted by listing the religious terms found in The Complete Idiot's Guide to Understanding Islam. Then, the researchers compared the source language and target language to identify the translation techniques. Finally, the researchers and raters assessed the acceptability of the translation by conducting Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The result shows that the translator uses established equivalent, borrowing, literal, particularization, generalization, transposition, reduction, addition, explication, and discursive creation. Besides, the average rate for the acceptability of the translation is 2,8 out of 3. It means that the translation is mostly in accordance with the norm and rule of language in the target text

    Who Are Anxious and Supposed to Be “Jakarta One” ?: a Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach

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    The purpose of this research was to know the structure of debate and the difference of USAge of modulation by the candidates in the third session debate of Pilkada DKI Jakarta in 2017. The debate in a general election was a new medium in the campaign. This research revealed the form and meaning of dominated modulation used by the candidates by applying Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). This was a descriptive qualitative research using observation method in collecting the data. The source of data was a video of the third session debate of Pilkada DKI Jakarta in 2017. The data contained aspect of grammar and lexicon of the speech. Then, it was analyzed by using identity-method by Sudaryanto and content analysis suggested by Spradely. The result shows that there are two forms of modulation marker. It is modulation of inclination that is dominantly used by the first candidate and third candidate. Then, the second candidate dominantly uses modulation of obligation. The domination is a strategy of each candidate to defend and prioritize their programs for the next five years

    The Impact of Translation Techniques on Shifting Meaning of Ordering Speech Act

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    This research was a follow-up research from some previous research which had discussed some imperative speech act, but it had not deeply discussed ordering speech act. The research aimed to find out the impact of translation techniques on shifting the meaning of ordering speech. The data was sentences which accommodate ordering speech act taken from the novel “Christ the Lord out of Egypt” and its translation in Indonesian taken from the novel “Kristus Tuhan Meninggalkan Mesir”. The data collected through document analysis, questionnaire, and forum group discussion (FGD). From the findings, there were 15 types of translation techniques which were used in translating, namely, established equivalent, variation, addition, implicit, explicit, adaptation, modulation, pure borrowing, generalization, particularization, transposition, reduction, paraphrase, discursive creation, and naturalized borrowing. The result indicates that the translation techniques that cause shifting meaning of ordering speech act are the addition, reduction, and discursive creation


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    This research discusses the quality of questioning response utterances found in the novel Me Before You and its translation. This aims to describe (1) the types of questioning response utterances, (2) the translation quality of questioning response utterances based on accuracy and acceptability aspects. This research is classified as a descriptive qualitative research which focuses on a single case. The source data of this research is the novel Me Before You and the Indonesian translation version. The data focus on  questioning response utterances. The data are collected with using document analysis, questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion. Furthermore, the data is analyzed the domain, taxonomic, componential analysis and cultural theme. The results of this research is the types of question response utterances based on Searle’s theory is variation such as assertive, directive, commissive and expressive. Then, the quality of questioning response utterances is accurate and acceptable


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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yang berorientasi pada produk penerjemahan yang menganalisa terjemahan ujaran yang mengandung implikatur pada film The Pirates of Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003), Dead Man Chest (2006), dan At the World’s End (2007). Pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan pragmatik dalam penerjemahan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: 1) mendeskripsikan jenis tindak tutur bermuatan implikatur –serta maksim-maksim yang terlibat, yang terdapat dalam film-film tersebut; 2) mendeskripsikan pergeseran daya pragmatis pada terjemahan ujaran yang mengandung implikatur, 3) mengkaji teknik-teknik yang diterapkan dalam penerjemahan tindak tutur yang mengandung implikatur, 4) mendeskripsikan pengaruh teknik penerjemahan terhadap pergeseran daya pragmatik dalam terjemahan tindak tutur yang mengandung implikatur, 5) mendeskripsikan tingkat keakuratan dan keberterimaan terjemahan ujaran yang mengandung implikatur pada subtitle film The Pirates of Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Dead Man Chest, dan At The World’s End dalam kaitannya dengan pergeseran daya pragmatik dan teknik penerjemahan yang diterapkan.Data dalam penelitian ini didapatkan dengan beberapa metode yakni content analysis atau dengan metode catat simak, metode kuesioner dan wawancara tak langsung. Data dalam penelitian ini yakni ujaran yang mengandung implikatur dari film The Pirates of Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003), Dead Man Chest (2006), dan At the World’s End (2007). Data tersebut didapatkan dari keseluruhan dialog yang ada dalam tiga film yang menjadi sumber data dan terjemahannya dalam subtitle bahasa Indonesia. Data dalam penilaian kualitas terjemahan didapatkan dari penilaian yang dilakukan oleh rater.Implikatur yang muncul dalam percakapan antar tokoh film dapat diterjemahkan menjadi ujaran bahasa sasaran yang mengandung implikatur juga ataupun dengan mengeksplisitkan makna implikasinya. Teknik penerjemahan yang dipilih oleh penerjemah mempengaruhi hasil terjemahan. Konteks situasi dan audio visual tidak dapat dikesampingkan, karena menerjemahkan dialog tanpa melihat adegan saat dialog tersebut diucapkan dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hasil terjemahan.Terdapat empat jenis tindak tutur yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini yakni asertif, direktif, ekspresif dan komisif. Pergeseran daya pragmatis yang muncul ditemukan pada tindak tutur yang diterjemahkan dengan menerapkan teknik penerjemahan addition, discursive creation dan literal. Pergeseran daya pragmatis yang muncul mempengaruhi kualitas terjemahan dari segi keakuratan namun tidak berpengaruh pada aspek keberterimaan